
Holiday Shopping

So it may be a little late for this post but hey thats the way I roll. I may be one of the few guys I know that actually enjoys going to the mall to go Christmas shopping, the crowds, the music and the decorations all help me get into the spirit. Plus myself and my sister always get parking right up front, call it luck or positive thinking or a Christmas miracle it just always happens. Anyways one thing that I always do is take a picture of the tree outside of Bloomingdales at Fashion Island and send it to my friends via a txt message and wish them a Merry Christmas, sorta my Christmas Card for the txt message age.

This first picture is of the tree at F.I., I decided to get my big head in the photo this year. The tree is something like 120-130 feet tall.

(click for larger image)

F.I. is an outdoor mall with ocean views from the restaurants. The second is a picture from the top of the escalator out to the parking lot and the ocean in the distance. Christmas Shopping in Southern California, god bless it.

for those of you in freezing weather please do not think of moving here it really is not this good.


Yet Another Sketch

Continuing my fascination with sketching faces, (I have been looking at a lot of fashion illustration lately) here is another with a little water color added. When it comes to sketching lately I am really liking sketching with a dip pen and different size nibs and even using a flex nib, that one is gonna take some getting used to. I can't remember what the hell I was watching on TV while I sketched this it could have been anything from House to a crazy show on Spanish television, but red seem to strike me and the phrase at the bottom came easily. I may soon take this to proper water color paper and mask of the negative space and let the paint flow.

click for larger image

Please feel free to post a comment if you like and Merry Christmas!