Thanks to my great sister I am now the owner of the ShamWow. Yes Vince and his ear piece microphone won me over, plus it is made by Germans and you know they make good stuff.
The small ShamWow is 15" x 15" and the large one is 19.75" x 23.75". The real trick of this thing is that it dries stuff when it is wet so it is great for the car and drying dishes and it shines your fixtures when it is dry. While I have not put it through all its paces I did snaps some photos of a little demo I did for my friend Jeope.

Yes it did ship with two extra ShamWows, 8 total. The large one, while a good size, is not really big enough to roll up a sweater in, maybe if you used two or three together it would work.

Some flat soda I had in my fridge and the ShamWow. The bottle of soda is filled just to the bottom of the label.

Pouring the entire soda onto the ShamWow.

The ShamWow thoroughly soaked.

This is what was left on the counter after lifting the ShamWow up just after snapping the pic of the wet ShamWow. Not to bad if you ask me, better then my regular kitchen towel would have done plus it did not drip.

This is what I rang out back into the bowl. I actually made a bigger mess ringing the thing out, but the power of the shamwow was able to completely pick up and dry my new mess and what little it left behind in the original pour with one stroke.
Overall I am pretty stoked on this thing and the small ones really do seem like a good replacement for paper towels. Jeope I was going to risk a carpeted floor mat that is in my entry way but didn't maybe next time.