R.I.P. Jessica 2.0, you were my trusty brushed aluminum G5 Mac tower, you died looking just as beautiful and majestic as the day you came into my life. You worked tirelessly moving huge PS files around with ease, while running inDesign in the background and playing my favorite songs on iTunes. You were impervious to viruses and other internet threats, you held your ground against huge FTP uploads and downloads. You worked well with all your peripherals and you and your graphics card especially liked your good buddy the Mac Cinema Display. You worked hard rarely giving me an ounce of trouble, sure you may have hiccuped a time or two but then you never gave me problems like those evil PCs give to their owners. We not only worked together but played together… you streaming funny videos to make me laugh and music to fill my ears but also beating me time and again in chess.
Just before the end you gave me a sign, a warning maybe of your coming demise, to back you up one last time. I tried to save you with a new hard drive, zeroing you out and reinstalling your original OS. You tried but it was just not to be.
In the end it was your core, your heart that failed. What time and age could not take from you on your outside even your firewall could not protect you from on the inside. So go quietly into that good nite my old and trusty friend, you will be missed.