
Happy New Year and back to work.

It is Tuesday and I am back at work and have decided that working equals weight gain dammit, and at some point I will prove that theory but not here and not now. Time for me to get back to my gym routine, which I have slacked on over the holiday season, and take off the holiday weight.

I hope all you had good Holiday season and that going back to work has not been to painful. Try to keep up with your new years resolutions and have a good new year.

Below is an older sketch in ink and a little color added in photoshop of a yogurt container.

This post was really kinda random and all over the place but sometimes that is just the way it is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, It may have been random and all over the place, but it is my favorite post. Thanks for reminding me that RANDOM ACTS OF GRAPHICS are a true element of the creative process, not a character flaw.
Go Inspire, Ventura

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